A blog is a website on which the owner publishes articles, videos, graphics and other informative materials. On a blog, the blog entries are displayed in the reverse order as the latest entry is displayed at the top and all the old entries are displayed beneath it. Usually, people create blogs in order to express their opinions over other topics but now-a-days, people have started building blogs instead of creating static websites based on static HTML pages as it's very easy to create a blog when compared to building a static website based on static HTML pages.

An interesting feature of a blog is that the readers are allowed to post their opinions on the blog in the form of comments on the published articles. This provides a way for readers to interact with the author and vice-versa. Usually, text and images are used for publishing articles on the blogs but it's possible to publish videos as well.

A blog can be used for a number of purposes. An individual can maintain a personal blog in order to create an online dairy for sharing day-to-day experiences whereas companies create blogs to announce new products and to inform the users about the progress of the company. Some people create blogs for discussing some specific topics and they do so by sharing their opinions and articles on the blog.

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